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How to make a custom striped table runner

I found a great new list-keeping app for my iPhone a week or two ago. It’s called Tick, and so far it’s my favorite list-keeping app that I’ve tried, and believe me, I’ve tried many. You can customize the icon and color for each list. Right now I have the number 10 by the little […]

New table, even newer color

Sometimes I think about my DIY journey and it sort of blows my mind. Six years ago I was scared to try to improve anything I didn’t totally hate for fear of screwing it up. Now I have to restrain myself from NOT trying to improve things that are perfectly fine the way they are. […]

How to create a weathered wood finish

I showed you the new kitchen tabletop on Friday and promised a tutorial on Monday, so it only makes sense that you’re seeing this on Tuesday (punctuality is not my strong suit). This weathered wood finish is not something I recommend for someone who isn’t prepared to roll with the punches a bit. The fact […]

A new old-looking tabletop

I’m not sure I’ve ever done a project in which I had no real expectations for the outcome. That’s just not the way I roll. So going into refinished the kitchen table with no real idea of what it would look like at the end was not something I undertook lightly. You may recall that […]

How to get FREE nautical charts

If you’ve ever wanted to do anything with a nautical chart, plan it now. What might you want to do with a chart, other than, you know, navigate? Allow me to give you a few ideas. Traditional Home Office by Concord Interior Designers & Decorators lisa k. tharp – k. tharp design Spaces Traditional Kids […]

Mid-project updates

I know that sometimes it seems like nothing is happening here in Impatient Gardener land. You don’t hear from me for a few days (unless you follow me in Facebook or Instagram where I’m much more likely to post regular updates) and you assume I’m probably asleep on the couch with my laptop half on […]

The garage: A ticking DIY time bomb

Everyone once in a while a DIY project sneaks up bites me from behind. It’s not even on my radar and then suddenly it’s consuming my every thought. That’s what it has been like for the last few days with our garage. Our garage is not exactly the prettiest building ever constructed and we’ve done […]