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There are so many things happening in the garden at this time of year. Sometimes I feel like I mention something and then completely forget to give you an update on it. So today I’m tying up a few loose ends. GARDEN CLEANUP A couple weeks ago I mentioned my new strategy for getting the […]


Our poor garage. We’ve ignored it so much over the years (12 of them actually; the anniversary of closing on our house was last weekend!). As you may, recall, we’re working on fixing that, but I also made a change I could have done any time and just never did. I added a bit of […]

A Wythe Blue door on a falling-down garage

I forgot to show you something I did about a month ago. I painted the garage door Wythe Blue (Benjamin Moore color). I’ve been sort of lusting over that color, which is this really interesting grayish greenish blueish, sort of turquoise-but-not color for a long time and I really wanted to paint something that color.  […]

The garage: A ticking DIY time bomb

Everyone once in a while a DIY project sneaks up bites me from behind. It’s not even on my radar and then suddenly it’s consuming my every thought. That’s what it has been like for the last few days with our garage. Our garage is not exactly the prettiest building ever constructed and we’ve done […]

A garage goes from grubby to great

I’m not an overly organized person, but I aspire to be. That aspiration is perpetuated by my affinity for organizing systems. I could never go to The Container Store because I’d  top my credit card limit in a matter of hours. I’ve organized a few spaces that needed it pretty badly in this house, but […]