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Did I do that?

A nyone remember Urkell from that annoying sitcom? The geek who wore his pants pulled up a foot past his belly button and said in a nasal-filled voice, “Did I do that?” That’s what’s going through my head as I look at this picture. I can’t help it. I’m a murderer. A plant murderer. The […]

The big 100th post GIVEAWAY!

I   n celebrating this 100th post on this blog since April 27, 2009 I thought a long time about what sort of giveaway I should do. Maybe give away 100 of something. A hundred plants, 100 bucks, 100 … um … paint samples (actually I’m getting dangerously close to being able to do that one, […]

Get your gardening on

T   here is nothing better than a flower or garden show for a gardener stuck in the middle of winter. Actually, I would imagine they’d be great even if you live somewhere you can garden most of the year, because they are a fantastic place to get new ideas. Gardening is all about inspiration, which […]

Stay tuned this week for a big giveaway!

T    he Impatient Gardener is just three two posts away from 100 posts, and I think it only fitting that we do some kind of giveaway to celebrate. I haven’t decided what it will be yet, but it will be good (and it will probably be a gift card to some store you REALLY want […]

A show you should check out

H  ave you caught the new show “Curb Appeal: The block” on HGTV? I’m really loving it. The premise is that they go to a neighborhood and pick the shabbiest house on the block and give it a $20,000 makeover. That’s great, especially if you’re the lucky person in the shabby house. But what’s neat […]

Yipee! It’s catalog season!

I   t’s such a nice time of the year to be a gardener. Everything is possible. Energy is unlimited. New gardens that live in our brains all make perfect sense, and everything grows just as it should, even if you are pushing it a zone or sticking a full sun plant in partial shade. And […]

The convolated path to design inspiration

E   very once in a while inspiration strikes. That happened Friday night and it came on so strongly (I think you might have been able to see the light bulb over my head) that even though I was snuggled under the blanket, I jumped up from the couch to run from the basement to grab […]