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Why you should order bulbs now

daffodils in field

The start of the gardening year is signaled, in my garden at least, by the blooming of the first bulb. Last year it was a race between one insanely long-lived and abused daffodil and the winter aconites. Even though I cannot bear to think of the months that precede that moment right now, I know […]

The first days in the spring garden

rhubarb emerging

The first real days in the garden are special. The jobs at this time of year are not particularly exciting or interesting, but I usually write about them anyway because being back in the garden is special in and of itself. Although the weekend here wasn’t all that nice, we’re looking at some more seasonal […]

The first moments in the spring garden

I didn’t intend to start cleaning up the garden over the weekend. The thermometer never got over 40 and there is snow cover on about 40 percent of the garden. But on Sunday, after  walk on the beach with the dogs (in which we saw two bald eagles fly just overhead, quite a rare sight […]

Is Mother Nature drunk?

I can say one thing about this crazy “spring” weather that has blanketed my garden in yet more white stuff: I’m not alone. I’m feeling a little whiny about the almost 6 inches of snow we got overnight (and the fact that they say more is on the way this weekend), but I know what […]

Have patience, young grasshopper

daffodils in field

This moment—right now—is when gardeners start to get really restless, particularly those of us in the northern part of the country. Our gardening brethren in warmer zones are reporting sightings of Galanthus (aka snowdrops), hellebores and crocus, and they are starting seeds indoors. But for many of us it is just too soon. Almost anything […]


A while ago I showed you the rather odd loaf-like object taking up space in my refrigerator. Well, I’m happy to report that I was able to free up that space in the fridge this weekend, as the mushroom spawn has been planted scattered strewn. The process of growing these Wine Cap mushrooms is less […]


I hate to complain about the weather, but this weekend was complete garbage. The end of last week was cold and dank, and things have only gotten worse from there. I spent Saturday frantically working in the garden because I knew there would be no gardening on Sunday with 3 inches of rain predicted to […]