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It has been a difficult few weeks to be a gardener in my area. The sun is setting early (and soon to be much earlier) so there’s no time for gardening after work and the weekends have been rainy. I appreciate this late season rain, as I believe that it is best for plants to […]


It’s been awhile since I’ve done a Friday Finds, so I thought I’d pop in quickly to share some of my favorites for the week. First off, a bit of a programming note. I haven’t been posting a lot lately simply because it’s been one of those busy times in life. I was out of […]


It’s been a busy late summer so I haven’t spent as much time on the internet as I might have otherwise and therefore there wasn’t a lot of finds to share with you, but this week there’s some can’t miss stuff I want to share. First off, don’t miss the most charming little garden and […]


Have you noticed that I’ve not shown you much (or maybe anything) from the vegetable garden this year? That’s because I got so late planting stuff that even my kale is only a few inches tall. The only variety I grow anymore is lacinato, which, as you can tell from the photo above from Mackinac […]


My head has been all over the place this week. I still feel like I haven’t gotten back in the swing of things after being gone (seriously, what is with that), and I haven’t even unpacked my bags yet. So I’m looking forward to a weekend with some time in the garden to put me […]


How did it get to be the middle of summer? Ugh … it’s going too fast and needs to slow down!   The good part about this time of the year is that the major work in the garden is starting to wind down. That’s actually sort of funny because of course I would prefer […]


The rabbit struggles continue here. I have borrowed a few traps but the little buggers aren’t big enough to set them off. They are absolutely decimating any annuals I’ve planted in the ground and it is getting so frustrating! Deer repellent seems to have no effect on them. If you have some proven ways to […]