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Something finally planted

A new raised bed is in  and the onions are planted. I plan to grow some kale on the other side of it, but most other things will be off limits as this bed is not protected from the overactive deer population in our yard. It feels great to have something in the ground (I […]

Leafy bits

I’m working on so many projects right now that sometimes I can’t remember which one is which, but I took a bit of time off this weekend to help Mr. Much More Patient with some leaf removal. It’s the least I can do seeing as how I have a very specific way in which I […]

Almost finished

The new raised vegetable garden is almost finished. We still need to mulch the path between the beds, and put up the deer fence around it, as well as the door at one end. We (and by we, I mean my husband) made it with cedar posts sunk into the ground about a foot, and […]

The makings of a veggie garden

For the first time in my life I’m going to try my hand at vegetable gardening. Well, not the first time. When I was a kid my mom gave my brother and I some space in her veggie garden to grow things that are satisfying for kids to grow. In our case it was radishes. […]