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Something finally planted


A new raised bed is in  and the onions are planted. I plan to grow some kale on the other side of it, but most other things will be off limits as this bed is not protected from the overactive deer population in our yard.

It feels great to have something in the ground (I did finally get the peas planted too, but I’m so late on those thanks to frozen solid soil in the raised bed that I don’t expect much production out of them) but beyond that I’m mostly still in early-spring clean-up mode. That doesn’t make for great photos or inspiring blog posts, but the good news is that I have a few things planned for next week that are exciting.

I’ll have a very cool giveaway on Monday and later in the week I hope to launch something that I’ve had waiting to go for months.

Have a good weekend in the garden, everyone!

2 Responses

  1. I was at a nursery yesterday lamenting that my butterfly bush wasn't even budding yet and the staff person told me that we are at least 1-2 weeks behind. Don't feel bad about it – I just planted spinach and lettuce, usually something that's in the ground in mid-April. I don't have much hope for the beets as the seeds didn't look too healthy.

    This weather should warm up your soil, Erin. It's been spectacular here and they are not predicting a frost for another week at least.

  2. I am almost done. Upon request from Alexa, I have to plant yet more hot pink vinca, then a fresh layer of mulch and that's it. I am watering the crap out of the yard because my jerky neighbor's grass is greener than mine and we. cannot. have. that.

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