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Interesting notes from the summer Part 1

Since I was less than faithful about posting this summer (and trust me, it pains me to even think about refering to it in the past tense) I thought I’d just hit on a few highlights and lowlights of the season. First off, the veggie garden: This was a hoot this year! Thanks to my […]

A tour through the veggie garden

Here’s a little tour through the veggie garden. Things are growing slowly here, so hopefully in a few weeks things will look much different (click on the pictures to make them bigger). Come on in!

The first things in: Onions

So the first plants to have the honor of going in the new veggie garden are onions. I bought onion starts (a long-day onion sampler of Walla Walla, Ringmaster and Mars onions) from Dixondale Farms and planted them Saturday, April 25. Then I planted them again on Sunday, after we had almost two inches of […]

Almost finished

The new raised vegetable garden is almost finished. We still need to mulch the path between the beds, and put up the deer fence around it, as well as the door at one end. We (and by we, I mean my husband) made it with cedar posts sunk into the ground about a foot, and […]

The makings of a veggie garden

For the first time in my life I’m going to try my hand at vegetable gardening. Well, not the first time. When I was a kid my mom gave my brother and I some space in her veggie garden to grow things that are satisfying for kids to grow. In our case it was radishes. […]