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The one thing I really didn’t want to find in my garden (or my house)

Just a couple weeks ago I wrote here about how I manage insect pests in the garden. The general point was that human intervention is often not required. If you create a garden with a healthy ecosystem, things will all balance out. If that sounds just a wee big smug, you can rest assured that […]

How to manage garden pests the lazy way

Japanese beetle in rose

I do, on occasion check out a few gardening groups on Facebook. For the past couple of weeks they’ve been full of posts like this: “What is eating my plant and how do I kill it?” A variety of answers come in, but in every case there’s at least one answer like this: “Put Sevin […]


Sometimes you think you’ve seen it all in your garden. This is our 15th summer in our house so I feel like I’ve got a pretty good handle on the comings and goings in our yard. But this year I’ve been presented with an issue I’ve not faced before. Rabbits. Many, many rabbits. Last night […]

OK, that’s just gross

Don’t read this post while you’re eating. Unless you are dieting and want a reason to stop eating. I have sad news to report on the health of the Family Jewels plant. The aphids love it. I have never actually seen a plant so covered in aphids before in my life. From a distance I […]

A day at the auction

My bidding number. Go figure.  I went to an auction Sunday. For FIVE hours. I had no idea auctions lasted so long (I left before it was over). Normally giving up almost an entire Sunday to stand in an dank old building would be akin to torture but I did it anyway because: 1. Some […]