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The unfinisher strikes again

It rained all weekend here which is so frustrating when there is so much to be done in the garden. The hostas, however, seem to be loving it as a I swear they’ve all grown 3 inches overnight. If and when the sun ever comes out I imagine everything will take off. Given the lack […]

House tour: Guest bedroom and hallway

We’re finally at the end of this rather prolonged house tour. `There are a couple rooms not worth sharing at this point, but maybe in the future if they get a little sprucing up I’ll share them with you. You’ve already seen the new bathroom, the kitchen, the living room and the master bedroom. Today […]

House tour: Master bedroom

We’ll finish up the rest of the house tour this week (it’s a small house and I’m probably going to cheat and not show you the ugly rooms) now that I found the battery charger for the camera (whoops). So far we’ve toured the new upstairs bathroom, the kitchen and the living room. Today we […]

Putting the clothes (and the paint brush) away

It will (and it probably should) horrify many of you to know that we have been living with our clothes on makeshift shelving and stored in laundry baskets in the basement for about nine months since the start of the remodel. Can you even imagine that? I actually lost track of a lot of my […]