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Simple swag


Posting on the blog has been so sporadic lately and I apologize for that. I have so many projects up in the air right now and it seems like it’s taking forever to finish any of them. I’m including things like “decorate the Christmas tree” and “hang up the garland outside that I bought a month ago and haven’t put up yet but now I own it so I might as well do something with it.”

Still, I feel like I ought to show you some sort of progress, right?

So I give you my Pinterest-inspired swag on the back door. It should be noted that this swag was created over the course of two nights (or, more accurately, early mornings) all done at hours after midnight, which sadly seems to be when I’m most productive lately.

Remember when I said a couple weeks ago that I was feeling so confident about being ahead this Christmas? Did you laugh? Because, yeah, that was clearly misguided.

By Monday, I will have Christmas decorations to show you. Not that you probably care anymore. But if it’s not done by Sunday (or, rather, Saturday night), it’s not being done.

In the meantime, let me tell you how this swag came about: I wanted a double-sided wreath for the back door but I couldn’t find any I liked for a price I was willing to pay. I thought about making a wreath, but that seemed like a lot of work. Enter the swag, which is just a really fast way of sticking some greens somewhere.

I saw this picture from Better Homes and Gardens on Pinterest and thought I could probably make something similar.

Here’s what I ended up with (fuzzy camera phone pictures and all … my gosh I’m not winning any Blogger of the Month prizes am I?)

The ribbon is probably a bit big, but it’s what I had. Actually it was wired ribbon but I took the wire out to make it floppier. It is attached to the top of the door with regular old thumb tacks.

Upon studying my photo, I just remembered that I bought holly to throw in there and forgot to put it in. Oh well, with all that ribbon you probably wouldn’t see it anyway and you can always stick holly somewhere during the holidays, right?

At least something is looking a little Christmassy!

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