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Gosh, gang, I’m really sorry there weren’t more posts this week. I’ve got 25 balls in the air and none of them have quite landed yet so I’m never quite ready to blog about any of them and they keep me too busy to blog about anything else.

But I do love a good Friday list, so let’s go for it.

I’m not a huge product person, but when I find something I really love, I figure other people might want to know about it too. I’ve been using Antipodes moisturizers for the better part of a year, but lately I started using their Joyous serum and Avocado Pear night cream at night and my skin is so soft and hydrated in the morning. I’ve been using the same bottle and mini tube for a couple months now and there’s lots left which makes me feel better about the price. Plus, there are no nasty chemicals. (No affiliate links here … just me spouting off about something I really like.)

If there is any plant that is having a moment, it has to be snowdrops. I had never even heard of snowdrops a few years ago and I didn’t really pay attention to them until I started seeing stories about them on British gardening television. And now they are everywhere! If you want to grow them, here are a few tips from Lovely Greens. I did plant a few bags of snowdrop bulbs in fall so we’ll see what comes of that.

Rainy day gear for gardeners. You gotta love it!

All about window treatments. Personally, I have a love/hate relationship with them. Mostly that means that I tend to love them in photos of other people’s houses but don’t really like them in my own except in the spaces where they are really needed for privacy. In our house that’s just in the bathrooms.

Herbs to grow for natural remedies.

That’s it for this week. Hopefully there will be some more action on the blog next week. In the meantime, have a great weekend. What’s on your agenda for the weekend?

One Response

  1. OMG! I am exhausted reading about curtains. I am not happy with mine but they are a low priority. The window needs to be replaced first, so there goes the budget. Thanks for the mention. Those pix make me want to grow Gunnera.

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