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I forgot to show you a couple of photos that I meant to include in yesterday’s post about what’s happening in the garden. The ‘Blue Angel’ hostas in a corner of the garden have not yet recovered from a hasty division a year or two ago when they were badly in need of it so there is a little extra room on the edge of that bed. The local hardware store (my favorite place to buy flowers these days; great selection and much better prices than dedicated garden centers) had all their annuals on sale and I picked up all the begonias in the salmon pink/orange/pink-tinged yellow color range. Originally I was thinking of just white flowers there, but I’m really liking this more colorful option. 

Now, onto some Friday Finds.

I don’t think I’d ever have the chutzpah to have a green kitchen but some of these are pretty great.

Until I read about this BH&G showhouse on Lauren’s blog I knew nothing of it and it’s only 20 minutes from my office. I’m excited about it, but mostly because Lauren decorated the inside and I fall a little more in love with her style every day.

I’ve been dreaming about this salad since I saw this recipe, but I want to wait for a homegrown tomato to make it.

There are a lot of new shrubs that I’m pretty keen on these days (subject of a future post), but I’m really excited about Tiny Tuff Stuff hydrangea. I’m growing a regular Tuff Stuff this year and if I’m happy with its performance, I may buy a whole bunch of its diminutive cousin.

This is officially my last “free” weekend until the end of July so it’s do or die time in the garden. We’re approaching the point where things that don’t get finished, won’t be done this year and I hate when I have to make that call. What’s on your agenda for the weekend?

4 Responses

  1. I live nearby and have been enjoying your blog. 🙂 I was considering Tiny Tuff Stuff as well, but I did a gardenweb/online search and couldn't find much info about it. All I've seen is that stock photo you posted above. If you go to this gardenweb link and scroll down, the photo of Tiny Tuff Stuff shows just how "tiny" it is. For me it was too small, so I chose Tuff Stuff.


  2. I need to divide Hostas and I am not looking forward to the wait for them to recover. Have tours of our garden scheduled for August and next spring. Having to move plants to deal with the driveway project is throwing off my schedule. You are so right about getting stuff done before July!

  3. I like the color you put with your blue hostas. They look very summery. I just returned from vacation and the weeds greeted me; so this weekend it is trying to get caught up with weeding and praying for rain.

  4. I went with lots of hot colors in my annuals this year, too. Not my usual vibe but I am loving them so far. If your weather has been like mine, those hostas will grow like crazy this year. It's been a greenhouse down here with lots of good rain (which translates to a lot of me fanning myself like a backwater belle bitching up a storm).
    The show house sounds fun! And it looks like they really took their time. Which is so nice. The show houses I've worked in give us maybe a week and that's it. So everything looks so staged. I want to come! I got a new car yesterday that is beckoning for a road trip. Although I'm craving lobster; so leaning toward Maine… Good luck this weekend!

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