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Door redux redux?


Yes, I know I just repainted the front door a deeper blue a few weeks ago. But the October issue of Coastal Living just came today and I think I might have to paint it again.
Aqua door l
Coastal Living photo
I’m pretty sure I need that. Including that awesome starfish wreath (from Beach Grass Cottage on Etsy, according to the magazine). I guess the problem with the fact that it was pretty easy to paint the front door is that it might be really easy to do it again.
This is why no real projects get done around here.

3 Responses

  1. You're not a spoil sport, Linda, and you're not the first person to say that. And, I think you're probably right. I suspect this is a knee-jerk reaction to my complete and utter denial of autumn.

    I'm going to leave well enough alone for now, and if I still love it come spring, I can do it then.

    It's probably a good thing I didn't have this paint already in the house or I would have been doing it Friday night!

  2. Beautiful photo! I love how the blue in the door picks up the blue hydrangeas. I painted our door blue this summer….but it's a little too turquoise!! I'll probably be repainting it this fall. 🙂

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