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All aboard the seed train


I am a lazy gardener. I’m also (obviously) an impatient one. So growing things from seeds has never really been my deal. I do grow almost all my vegetables from seeds (other than tomatoes and zucchini, only because I don’t need a million of either), and I’ve professed my love for nasturtiums which are so easy to grow from seed.

Other than that, I pretty much stay away from seeds. That’s mostly because I just don’t have the patience or space to tend trays of seeds, but I’ll admit that it’s nice to put a plant in the ground and enjoy it from Day 1.

I do, however, love zinnias. I think they are the happiest flower (daisies move over). I also think they are beautiful cut flowers although I rarely treat myself to bringing them in the house. (Kylee at Our Little Acre is the same way, but her house is full of beautiful bouquets right now because she cut all her flowers before the first frost. I’ll have to do the same.)

You can sow zinnia seeds directly in the ground, but I was worried I’d forget about them and I wanted to give them a little head start, so I planted several in seed-starting trays then distributed the plugs in bare spots throughout the garden.

For the last six weeks or so, I’ve been enjoying the fruits of that labor, and all for a couple of bucks worth of seeds.

So pretty it makes me wonder why I didn’t get on the seed train sooner.

What do you grow from seed?

2 Responses

  1. I'm like you, Erin. I don't grow flowers from seed usually. But this year I direct sowed nastursiums in the asparagus row in the my garden just to fill it in while this new bed develops. It's been an awesome show all year. I'll definitely do that again. Plus I threw some old morninglory seeds under a fence and they are still blooming.

    I'll have to try the zinnias. I've had them before but forget about them when I'm planning my garden. I will be letting the cosmos reseed themselves through the perennial bed though.

  2. Thanks for the link love, Erin! I rarely cut flowers and bring them in because I want my garden to be full, full, full of them and I enjoy seeing them in their natural habitat. But like you said, I cut them before frost. We happened to dodge that bullet the other night, but it won't be long before it gets us anyway.

    I got so many seeds in the ground late this year! I mean really late. Most of them have performed well anyway, but I could have been enjoying their blooms way sooner had I not been so late.

    Flowers grown from see this year: two types of cosmos, sunflowers, zinnias, annual milkweed, and nasturtiums. I won't get any blooms on the nasturtiums, but their foliage is outstanding! They're 'Alaska' which has variegated foliage.

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