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There are signs of life in the garden. Somehow the leaves that I removed in fall reappeared and all of the perennials that I left standing in November are waiting to be chopped down, but underneath the mess, things are happening.

The earliest daffodils in my garden, which live in a little microclimate along the house, have been up for awhile, but even in other areas, tiny green bits of daffodils are popping up.

Perhaps the most wonderful sight in the garden was this one, where some very wet winter aconites (Eranthis hyemalis) popped up their heads after a rainy and generally miserable weekend. When the sun comes out (which it must, eventually), the daisylike flowers will open up.

These cute little ephemerals, which are native to Europe, spread easily once established, which is how I got the few I have: those who have them are generally happy to share. Deer don’t eat them, which is a requirement at this time of year when the deer are very hungry. Every resource I consult says they bloom in late winter before crocuses do. It’s late March, and I do not consider this to be late winter, but who am I to argue with flowers?

This is not a particularly spectacular plant and were it not for the fact that ANY flower is reason to celebrate at this time of year, it wouldn’t be much noticed. Still, that’s reason enough for me to grow it and wish it well as it wanders my garden.

2 Responses

  1. I agree…This time of year when those of us in the northern latitudes are looking for any sign of life, and especially some color in flowers, these early spring flowers are such a delight! I always tell myself to plant more of the little ones that have their glory before the showier tulips and daffodils start blooming. Thanks for the reminder!

  2. I think aconites are wonderful winter plants. They don't last long in my garden. I imagine the long hot dry summers takes their toll. I love to see pictures of them in England where they naturalize in an area.

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