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There’s been no sign of frost here and none in the forecast through the weekend. Surely it will happen next week. The delayed onset of cold weather is just fine with me (although I fear having to wrap up so much in the garden in very cold weather, because when it does come I think it’s going to come quickly), not in the least because the garden looks remarkably good right now.

There are a lot of leaves down, but plenty of plants are still putting on a show, somewhat unexpectedly.

Here’s a bit of the color happening around the garden. I’ve shared a few of these on Instagram this week too.

Most of the leaves on my favorite maple have fallen, but they are pretty even on the ground. I imagine I will find them less attractive when I’m cleaning them up.
I planted Amsonia hubrichti in part for its texture but also for its fall color, which is stunning even if everything around it is looking sort of shabby.

A closeup of Amsonia hubrichtii.

Gingko biloba ‘Gnome’ is showing lovely, almost variegated color.
How can you not love those frilly leaves?
A week ago Acer japonicum ‘Aconitifolium’ looked like this. Absolutely stunning.
It’s clearly past its peak now, but still beautiful.
A closeup of a leaf from last week.
The climbing hydrangea is always a stunner this time of year.
I struggle with the garden on the north side of the house, but perhaps fall is its beast season.
On the right side of that garden is this stunning spirea. I have to search around underneath it for a tag. 
Spirea closeup.
The ‘Venus’ dogwood in that garden has gorgeous color even if it doesn’t show too well from afar.
I always forget the name of this shrub that I picked up on a whim at the Klehm’s Song Sparrow open day a few years ago, but I love its shiny leaves.
Here’s a closeup.
Some of the ‘Limelight’ hydrangeas have gone a bit over, but a few still have a lovely rosy blush.
I always forget that hostas bring great fall color as well. Sure, they are a little poopy, but they are the prettiest golden color. 

What’s the color situation in your garden?

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