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What name is this?


As I’ve mentioned, a lot of stuff was left behind by the previous owner when we bought our house. One item was the Calder-esque mobile that hangs in the living room. Even though it’s in a bit of a weird spot, I’ve always liked it there and we never moved it.

I’d like to know more about it though. It is signed by the artist, and although I can see that the date is 1957 and the first letter may be J, I can’t for the life of me figure out the rest of the name. I’ve searched online for various names that it could be, but nothing comes up.

calder-esque mobile

Mobile signature?

So I’m asking that you take a look at the signature and tell me what you see. And if you actually know anything about these kinds of mobiles, please share!

Thanks, gang.

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8 Responses

  1. This is just a wild guess, Erin – my experience is not in art but reading documents as an amateur genealogist. To me, instead of 1957, the end of the name looks more like the "OSF" added after a name to signify Order of St. Francis. Is there any chance this could be the work of an artistic Franciscan priest or sister, possibly a relative of the owners?

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

    1. Oh, that is an interesting thought. Worth exploring for sure. I have a very good friend (my very first boyfriend, actually, although we were in kindergarten) who is a Jesuit priest but has lots of Franciscan friends. Maybe he would know of source for some information on Franciscan priest artists.

  2. The OSF could be Order of St. Francis. The name could also start with "Th" with the cross on the "T" starting over the next letter. Please let us know what you find out. Love this. Happy Holidays.

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