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The Garden Appreciation Society — Week 9 — Link up!


This week’s Garden Appreciation Society bouquet is a first for me on two counts. For one, it is the first time I’ve ever had enough roses to make a bouquet from my own garden. And secondly, it is the first time I’ve endured serious pain to make a bouquet. Holy smokes these roses are thorny!

These Oso Easy roses (I think they are ‘Peachy Cream’) would be perfect in a wild mixed bouquet, although it would have to be a short one because they do no have long stems. Unfortunately, I’m on my way out the door for a bit of a sailing jaunt and I didn’t have time to do more than cut a few, bleed profusely and jam them in a vase.

The Impatient Gardener -- The Garden Appreciation Society -- Oso Easy Peachy Cream roses

The Impatient Gardener -- The Garden Appreciation Society -- Oso Easy Peachy Cream roses
The Impatient Gardener -- The Garden Appreciation Society -- Oso Easy Peachy Cream roses

As I mentioned yesterday in the garden tour, these roses don’t have a lot of fragrance but what fragrance they do have really comes through inside. One more reason to appreciate your garden in a new way!

You guys continue to blow me away with what you are cutting out of your gardens. Thank you so much for sharing your creations.

Don’t forget to link up this week and please don’t miss the stunning bouquets from last week’s Garden Appreciation Society.


6 Responses

  1. Nothing like bleeding for your garden! I may get my act together tomorrow, otherwise I'll join you for the next round. Thanks for hosting!

  2. Have a great trip!!! Oh how I miss those sailing days – the sky and the water so blue, the wind in my hair, those "King of the World" moments at the bow of the boat. Enjoy my friend!

    As for the roses – gorgeous, old fashioned beauties.

  3. The roses look lovely all on their own. When I saw them in your earlier post, I immediately thought "I need to look for some of those"! Thanks for hosting, Erin!

  4. Beautiful roses! Interesting how the prettiest ones always have the scariest thorns! We're not growing too many flowering things right now, mostly food, but I'll find something to bring inside soon. I love the Garden Appreciation Society and that you are inspiring us all to look at our garden in a new way.

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