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The Garden Appreciation Society Week 6 — Link up!


After several weeks of really struggling to come up with something to bring inside to appreciate the garden for The Garden Appreciation Society, it was so nice this week to have a few things to choose from. Things are very slowly starting to come into bloom here. The garlic chives are flowering, and I love those little pinky-purple flowers. The Lady’s Mantle, which I consider a must-have for every garden, is also just starting to bloom.

But this week I was able to include one of my absolute favorite flowers into my bouquet. Clematis ‘Guernsey Cream’ is my favorite of the clematis I grow and if I had room for more of them I would certainly plant more. The flowers are the softest creamiest white, with just a hint of a light yellow-green stripe in the middle. Choosing a favorite clematis is difficult for me (sort of like picking a favorite child but I don’t think the clematis will feel back if they hear that I like Guernsey Cream best) because they are all lovely when they are blooming, but something about that Guersney Cream has stolen my heart. I wish I hadn’t planted it in the bed over by the garage so I could enjoy it more often, but I’m thinking about redoing that bed (surprise, surprise) and I’ll move them then.

I also put in some Lady’s Mantle, Nepeta and the alliums from last week’s bouquet, which were still looking great (and I was too tight not to reuse them).

It is nice to see some “real” flowers again.

The Impatient Gardener -- Garden Appreciation Society Week 6 Guernsey Cream clematis, allium, lady's mantle, nepeta
The Impatient Gardener -- Garden Appreciation Society Week 6 Guernsey Cream clematis, allium, lady's mantle, nepeta

The Impatient Gardener -- Garden Appreciation Society Week 6 Guernsey Cream clematis, allium, lady's mantle, nepeta

Seems like everyone’s gardens are starting to really come to life, at least judging by last week’s great Garden Appreciation Society links.


5 Responses

  1. I look forward to seeing the additions to the Garden Appreciation Society each week. I didn't realize other gardeners had a hard time cutting flowers to arrange for display. This is certainly the inspiration I needed to get going. I especially enjoy your photos, Erin, as I too garden in zone 5a in Wisconsin, a bit north of you in Sherwood near Lake Winnebago, so my garden is displaying some of the same blooms ready to be picked and arranged for display. So I hope to be posting a photo soon.

  2. You have reminded me to take the time and bring some of my garden indoors to enjoy. Next week I will have a jar brimming with blooms. Thanks:) Lynne from Sensible Gardening

  3. I've never seen Geurnsey Cream before, Erin. I can understand why it's so beautiful. My clematis is starting to come into bloom as well as the climbing rose on my arbor. The clematis is just a "Jackmanii" but I love it's purple flowers anyways.

  4. That Clematis bouquet is beautiful, Erin.

    I am visiting everybody's bouquet, but you have to be a friend on Facebook and signed up and signed in to comment on Flicker, so I saw #1 and #4 but I didn't comment.

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