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The Garden Appreciation Society Week 5


Sorry for the delay on getting The Garden Appreciation Society Week 5 up. You know work, and then I, well, forgot and then yada, yada, yada. (I don’t think anyone else is still yada, yada, yadaing but it’s really such a useful device, don’t you think?)

It continues to be a challenging time to find something for me to make a bouquet out of, but the fact that I did again I think proves what this is all about: there is ALWAYS something to appreciate. Still, I love for the week when I can just cut a handful of zinnias.

This week I went with stuff that I never would have thought about putting in a bouquet, including Ligularia (possibly ‘Desdemona’) and Hakonachloa ‘All Gold’. The two alliums are obvious additions but are a great examples of flowers I never would have cut before. I don’t have many and it’s difficult for me to cut them to bring them in. I have used the bleeding heart (Dicentra spectabilis ‘Gold Heart’) before, including the foliage last week and have found that it holds up really well. Now that it’s in bloom I had to put some in the bouquet.

Can you tell I have a thing for chartreuse foliage? Looking around the garden I’ve been noticing I have a good amount of it spread throughout the garden. I think one can go overboard with that, but I don’t think I’m there yet.

The Impatient Gardener Garden Appreciation Week 5 (Ligularia, Hakonechloa, bleeding heart, allium)

The Impatient Gardener Garden Appreciation Week 5 (Ligularia, Hakonechloa, bleeding heart, allium)

The Impatient Gardener Garden Appreciation Week 5 (Ligularia, Hakonechloa, bleeding heart, allium)

The Impatient Gardener Garden Appreciation Week 5 (Ligularia, Hakonechloa, bleeding heart, allium)

Now that you’ve seen it looking good, I have to unfortunately report a couple items. The Ligularia leaves completely pooped out and the cat (named, you may recall, Desdemona) passed those up but LOVED the the grass so most of that was pulled out and stuck back in again.

You all came up with such beautiful bouquets for Week 4. I have to say I’m more than a little envious of some of your flowers (particularly the gardenias), but I am so enjoying see everyone’s ways to appreciate their gardens in a new way.

Please link up this week. I’ll leave the link open a little longer because of the late start.

And check out the great links from past weeks as well:


9 Responses

  1. I've taken to seeing all kinds of things around my yard in a new light. In fact, there are some very fluffy weeds on our east side that would probably be fantastic as filler in a bouquet…hmm..maybe next week!
    Thanks for hosting!

  2. Loved that combination, the contrasts were beautiful, I think I'm going to have to try more of that. BTW, plenty of us still believe in the utility of yada, yada, yada… Seinfeld will never die. 🙂

  3. Don't know how you could cut those alliums. I just can't bring myself to do it! They make such great additions to a bouquet though, don't they?
    Hobbled out to the garden yesterday and cut one peony with the intention of putting it in a bowl and shooting it. But then it rained. And it's still raining. So if it stops, I'll try to get a pic to link up.

    1. I know … it was kind of painful to cut those, but there are still some in the garden and I'm much more likely to enjoy them when they are in my face on the kitchen island.

      More rain there, huh? You can't catch a break!

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