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Summer vacation: Over


As you might have guessed, I’ve been on a bit of a hiatus. I had intended to do a bunch of posts before I left but I’m such a procrastinator that I was lucky I had time to throw my toothbrush in a bag, much less stock up on blog posts.

In any case, a little vacation is always a good time to get inspired and I found some great things to share with you. Unfortunately, my camera appears to be missing right this second. Don’t worry, I’m sure it’s around. It’s either lurking in one of my many bags or on the boat, so worst case scenario I should find it by Wednesday when the boat is due back home.

In the meantime I wanted to share a photo I snapped with the camera phone of one of my favorite gardens on Mackinac Island, the garden at the Hotel Iroquois.

If you follow The Impatient Gardener on Facebook (and I’m pretty sure you don’t because right now only a few friends and family are followers) you’d have already seen a sneak peak of this picture. You can follow me on Facebook by clicking on the link in the sidebar on the right, and there you’ll not only instantly see my posts, but also other tidbits throughout the week.
I hope you enjoy this sneak peek at an upcoming post. This garden has me so enthralled, I’m seriously considering redesigning a good part of the “main” garden.
Glad to be back, and thanks for hanging out while I got away for a little bit.

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