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I spent the weekend celebrating my birthday. It wasn’t a “special” birthday and the intention was for it to be very low-key, but things kept popping up, so I just kept eating and drinking and celebrating with friends and family. That was fantastic, but it pushed off me organizing my seed order for another weekend. And I have to say, I’m starting to get nervous about it.

I have, however, been perusing catalogs and websites and finding so many interesting things to grow. No one can ever say that growing a garden is boring after seeing the amazing selection of seeds available these days. I never can decide whether to go to the tried-and-true varieties or something a little more oddball.

Here are some of the interesting seeds that I’ve run across (some affiliate links used).

Asian Winged Beans also available here
Dara Ammi (flowering carrot) also available here

Lobbericher Yellow carrots

Dwarf Coffee Plant
Molokai Purple Sweet Potato
Jarrahdale Pumpkin also available here
Martian Jewels sweet corn
A Grappoli D’Iverno tomato also available here

What sorts of varieties do you favor? Old standards or something new? Have you ordered seeds yet? If so, please tell me about it so I can live vicariously through you!

9 Responses

  1. Awesome choices! Those purple sweet potatoes would be a surprise at Thanksgiving! I grow ammi every year. I love it! All my seed choices are on my So Seedy page. But I think I'm growing too much this year and will have to expand my seed starting empire to a card table as well, which means I need to buy more grow lights. Woo hoo!!

  2. That Dari Amma(Queen Anne's Lace), is so pretty but I find QAL invasive. Birds planted one and I was initially happy about it but then it was all through my garden by the end of the growing season. I pulled out as much as I could this fall but w/the taproot it requires a shovel to really get it removed. As far as new, to me, I ordered Dwarf Wild Spudleaf tomato seeds from Heritage Seed Market which is involved w/the Dwarf Tomato Project. It apparently is similar to Cherokee purple. I was leery about the site but learned of it in an interview w/Joseph Tychonievich on A Way to And they're sending a few gift seeds which are also similar to CP so I can do a comparison, which I'm excited about!

  3. Happy Birthday! I'm done with most of my seed orders but I order Fedco with my parents so I haven't gotten those yet (hopefully my mom ordered by now). Seeds of note: neat new super frilly kale, dahlias (they outperformed my dahlias from tubers last year), tillage radish, and blight resistant tomatoes (I've been having big problems with tomatoes in the past 2 years). Looking at seed catalogs is so much fun (narrowing the order down isn't though). 🙂

    1. Ooh … what tomatoes did you order? I'm going to grow tomatoes from seed this year for the first time after a few years of really disappointing results. Last year, most of the heirloom tomatoes I bought were nothing like what they were supposed to be. And late blight continues to be an issue here as well.

    2. I ordered Mountain Magic (cherry) from Fedco and Iron Lady (midsize)from High Mowing Seeds. There was a disease resistant beefsteak kind I wanted to order but it was 8-something for like 10 seeds! Still cheaper than buying plants, but I wasn't ready to spend that much. I've had trouble with heirlooms too–I love them but they just don't seem to be able to cope with whatever it is in my soil. 🙁

  4. Even though I don't do seeds I had seen that carrot and some other cool things on Annie's Annuals and was thinking maybe I should do it. But I have almost maxed out on online plant orders — some quirky things there as well. Some trees and shrubs so I would not being doing them from seed!

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