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Is Mother Nature drunk?


I can say one thing about this crazy “spring” weather that has blanketed my garden in yet more white stuff: I’m not alone. I’m feeling a little whiny about the almost 6 inches of snow we got overnight (and the fact that they say more is on the way this weekend), but I know what we’re seeing here is not nearly as bad as what a lot of gardeners across the United States, Canada and the UK have been dealing with. 

daffodils in snow
These poor daffodils by the house have been absolutely smushed. They are the only green thing in the yard.

Snow in April is not at all unheard of here but it sure makes people cranky. I have no words of wisdom for anyone, but soon summer we’ll be here and we’ll be crabbing about how hot and dry it is. Us gardeners are a fussy lot. It’s probably best to just leave it up to Mother Nature. It’s just that sometimes I think Mother Nature might be drunk.

snow in april
This is where the winter aconites should be. I looked back at photos from last year and they were up March 27.

15 Responses

  1. The plants I overwinter in the garage are coming up and the way they are stacked doesn’t give them much room to grow. My car may have to spent the next few weeks in the driveway while we wait for spring.

  2. Our season here in Alberta is skewed as well. We had a mild December and it even seemed it was going be a green Christmas. And then things changed. One positive is I’ve had more time to finish the winter projects inside the house.

  3. My snowdrops closest to the house bloomed and now are done and flat. I am hoping it is warm and dry enough to divide them before they completely disappear. Really disheartening to wait all year for the snowdrops and have them buried in this much snow. I think it is pretty impossible not to complain, esp. for those of us who read blogs where the spring show has started. I have a feeling spring will arrive overnight and then we will be playing catch up half the summer. My plants ordered online will be arriving before the end of April and neither the garden nor I am ready.

  4. Here in Chicago, we’re accustomed to winter hanging around but this year waiting for spring seems particularly tedious! The only daffodils we have in bloom in our yard are our early bloom tete-a-tete miniatures. They’re shivering in the snow, waiting for their buddies to brave up and bloom! Come on soring!

  5. Ms Spring and Mr Winter are having quite the fling. She might as well let him go because one of these days Mrs Summer will come waltzing in and take over. I would like to enjoy Ms Spring’s company for awhile before Mrs Summer arrives.

  6. This erratic weather can sure make a gardener feel depressed. Here in N. C. it has been mid seventies for a few days and this morning I wake up to t0 32 with more chilly weather for the weekend. Worried about the buds on my Peonies but hope they are right enough to withstand a chill . Also for the first time my lilac is covered with flower buds. Mother nature better sober up!

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