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More new plants I love


Last time I focused on some of the great annuals that are new. This time we’re talking perennials.

The first one on my list HAS be this beauty which I cannot find anywhere but if I do find one (at a nursery) I’ll snatch it right up and figure out where to put it later.

It’s the Incrediball hydrangea (Spring Hill Nurseries photo). Oh how I love everything this hydrangea claims to be. I hope it’s all true (unlike the much-marketed Endless Summer hydrangea which has been a big disappointment for me and many other gardeners). This is an improvement on the Annabelle hydrangea, which I have and love, but it suffers from serious droopy stem syndrome. Incrediball is supposed to have much stronger stems and HUGE puffball blooms. If it’s everything it claims to be I’ll forgive the stupid name.

I have a thing for echinacea. Ever since the Itsaul Plants series came out with the beautiful Summer Sky and the rest of the “sky” series, I’ve been head over heels for this plant and on a bit of a mission to own every variety that I like (there are some I’m just not that keen about). Two of my favorites this year are Tomato Soup and it’s natural partner Mac n’ Cheese (Terranova Nurseries photos). I’m particularly excited about Tomato Soup. A RED echinacea! And I’m very happy to say I have several of each of these that I bought through the co-op sitting in the “greenhouse” getting big enough to plant.

I’m also developing a “thing” for heuchera. Terranova is the leader in new heucheras and one of the new ones I really like is Lime Marmalade. It’s supposed to be bigger than Lime Rickey and it has a really nice ruffled leaf. I have a few of these in the greenhouse too. I just love pops of lime green in a shady bed.

OK, so those are a few of my new perennial fascinations, but I’m sure there are oodles more out there that have you salivating. So what did I miss?

11 Responses

  1. I need another (unplanted) hydrangea like a hole in the head, but that’s one beautiful hydrangea. Annabelle is my favorite. Hope I can find one of those new ones at the nursery–and by myself so I don’t have to ask for it by that ridiculous name.

  2. Holy hydrangea! Really beautiful. We have an ancient white variety (dug from my grandmother’s house), but our flowers are no where near this big! Fantastic! Found you through Blotanical-Welcome!

  3. Kathleen, I’m happy to hear you’ve had luck with the red echinacea. I hope I have a similar experience. Katie, it makes me feel better to know I’m not the only one who can be a tad, um, impulsive when it comes to plant buying.

  4. After seeing the red echinacea I had to have some…so went out and bought 4 plants and am now deciding where I will put them 🙂 I love your blog but I’m afraid it is going to result in too many trips to the nursery!!

  5. Wowee on the hydrangea! That is one incredible bloom. I also have had good luck with the red echinacea. This year I bought Rudbeckia Subtomentosa (sweet coneflower) that resembles the yellow one you featured. I’m lovin’ your new finds!

  6. That Incrediball seems to have the same effect on me! I was at a nursery yesterday which I knew didn’t have it (I asked) but I still looked through all the hydrangeas just in case!

    Tatyana, I’m glad the Endless Summer has worked out for you. Here I call it Endless Bummer. I think this is the year it gets pulled out. Or at the very least moved for one last shot at redemption.

  7. OMG! I was staring at that hydrangea ball for several minutes! Now, I will want it!
    As for the Endless Summer, I have two of them and they really bloom endlessly.
    Good post, thank you!

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