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I want this


The compost bin we threw together two years ago in about 15 minutes and four pallets has disintegrated. It didn’t help that we stirred the compost pile with the Kubota. That’s the bad news. The good news is that I REALLY want this: Lee Valley Tools Compost brackets.

I first saw this on Gardening by the Yard with Paul James (one of the last two decent gardening shows left on HGTV). Here’s the problem. Just the brackets alone cost $79. That seems excessive for something that’s going to hold decomposing stuff. That doesn’t include the boards, which they recommend be cedar or redwood so they won’t rot.

So, has anybody used this set-up? Do you love it, or are you wish you had just skipped the expensive brackets and thrown something together for a lot less money?

2 Responses

  1. Erin!!! This is super-cool, and totally new to me. If you try it you will have to report back how it all works (and what the final pricetag is!!!)

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