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Garden art?


Garden art or a tree stuck in the ground upside down? You make the call!

I’m a big fan of garden art, but not such a big fan of paying for it. Fortunately, I’m also a fan of driftwood, so I’m always on the lookout for interesting pieces. A couple years ago I found a driftwood tree (the whole thing) that had some interesting roots. So I grabbed the husband, a rope and a chainsaw and had him cut off the bottom chunk, and drag it up the beach. It’s been sitting around (and drying out, thankfully) for about 18 months now and the other day I was inspired enough to do something with it. So what does one do with a driftwood tree? Well … plant it upside down! So there it is, standing like a little soldier in my garden. It looks pretty stark now, but once some plants fill in around it, I think it could be pretty cool. I’ve also planted a clematis by it that I’m hoping to sort of wrap around it. We’ll see. It’s just an experiment, but it was free so how can you go wrong?

I have a few other pieces of driftwood “art” around the yard, including one that I always thought looked like a person diving. It now holds a house number plaque that my husband made out of carbon fiber. Just a tad ironic to have driftwood holding carbon fiber, don’t you think?

2 Responses

  1. I guess I should consider it a good thing that at least three people have seen and not said, “You know you have an upside down tree growing in your garden, right?”

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