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Gallery wall love


Gallery walls are all over the place these days, and I’ll admit that I’ve succumbed to the gallery wall hype. I’m actually working on a mini gallery wall in the upstairs hallway. I’m going to attempt to use both color and black and white photos and possibly multiple color frames. I hope I’ll be able to pull it off.


Source: Elle Decor

While scouring the Internet for inspiration, though, I came across this photo and I have to say, I’m absolutely mad for this hallway. It would never work in my house because I just don’t have a hallway like this, but I just love everything about this. By using the same frame and limiting the photos to black and white photography they are all cohesive, even though they are all different sizes and they aren’t even lined up on the wall. See how the doors are painted black? Isn’t that just the perfect finishing touch?

I love how the photos go all the way to the floor. I think this would be absolutely perfect in a family cottage, where memories are preserved for generations. Imagine how utterly boring this hallway would be if it weren’t for this wonderful display of photos.

What do you think?

2 Responses

  1. While not a super narrow hallway, there really isn't enough room for a chest or something else to break it up, so this is a perfect solution. I think you are right; it would be especially nice in a family cottage. You can just imagine the photos, can't you!

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