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Friday Finds for impatient gardeners + a surprise


This whole “Impatient Gardener” thing isn’t just a gimmick. I struggle with impatience, and although I’m getting better with it, this time of year is especially challenging on the impatience front. 

The landscaper we hired to do the grading for the new vegetable garden told me it would be done this week and now it’s “probably next week.” I know his schedule is way behind because of the weather but I’m a little panicked thinking about how much has to get done on the veggie garden and obviously nothing can happen until the area is leveled. My opportunity to grow a lot of things this year gets less likely every day.

Pause for an important announcement: There’s a giveaway at the bottom of this post so check it out! OK, back to your regularly scheduled whinging. 

I am also planning on purchasing a few screening trees, but almost always, screening trees don’t screen much for a few years. I haven’t found, purchased or planted these trees yet, but I’m already impatient for them to start growing.

I don’t have a fix for this problem of mine, but I know that the feeling will dissipate as the gardening season goes on. I’ll get busy with other things and forget that the trees aren’t growing fast enough the weeds are growing too fast. 

Do you do this? 

low container with impatiens
I’m still working my way through thousands of photos of amazing new plants in California, but to tide you over, I’m offering this lovely, low container design for your inspiration.

Well enough of that. Let’s get to fun stuff from the internet this week. 

OK, sometimes you just have to laugh at a headline. If only these were the worst controversies we had to think about!

I have to say, I agree with this, but apparently this became quite the hot-button issue. I like a little lawn to provide a visual break from the garden, not to mention it’s pretty much a necessity if one is to own dogs, as I do. But we don’t care about having a perfect lawn. We aim for green and that works for us.

I think it’s safe to say that the weather in Lisa’s garden has been a little unpredictable. Sounds like she’s got full on summer now!

Deborah’s right: We should plant pots in spring. (But I haven’t yet.)

Spring just really arrived here and summer seems so far away, yet I know that soon I’ll be looking back on another gardening season. But just for now, let’s think HOT, shall we?

Longfield Gardens has offered to send some summer heat to one The Impatient Gardener reader. I chose orange varieties of some heat-loving plants to make a hot giveaway. One reader will win a collection of gorgeous orange: ‘David Howard’ dahlias (my FAVORITE orange dahlias), Tropicanna cannas and gorgeous Kaveri lilies. 

orange dahlias, cannas and lilies

Want to win? Then you have to enter and I’m making it super easy below. Giveaway ends Wednesday, May 9 so these can get off to their new homes in plenty of time for planting.

If you can’t wait to get your hands on these beauties, head over to Longfield Gardens and see all the beauties they have. If you’re a new customer, use the code LFG20 for 20% off your order.


HOT flowers giveaway

7 Responses

  1. Thanks for the link love. Summer has overtaken spring already this year. You just never know about weather now days. I often wonder if the weather has always been unpredictable as it is today. Are we as gardeners more attuned to the vagaries of weather? What ever the fact is I missed spring this year. I will carry on as usual. Enjoying the pots and plants. The pot you have pictured here is so interesting. I might try to make one up similar to this. Thanks for the inspiration whether it comes on Friday or any other day. i hope you are able to get busy on your veg garden redo soon. It must be frustrating waiting for the contractors to do the leveling. Our neighbor is also frustrated with contractors awaiting their arrival weeks after promised work.

  2. I think I have two plugs of the coleus in that picture on my deck, and I am going flower shopping today!! Thanks for the timely inspiration!

  3. Excited about the giveaway! But also excited about the next update on your new vegetable garden. I hope you don’t have to wait too long to get going with it!

  4. Hot flower giveaway – love the combination of colors. David Howard is a pretty shade of orange, and I like the shape.

  5. Love that low pot. And what a generous give-away.
    And because I tend to suffer impatience myself as times, I’ll share the whole verse:
    Patience is a virtue. Virtue is a grace. Grace is a little girl who wouldn’t wash her face.
    There you go – that’s what my mom tells me when I get antsy.

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