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Have you noticed that I’ve not shown you much (or maybe anything) from the vegetable garden this year? That’s because I got so late planting stuff that even my kale is only a few inches tall. The only variety I grow anymore is lacinato, which, as you can tell from the photo above from Mackinac Island makes a pretty great ornamental, as well as being so tasty!

If you’ve read much on this blog you know I can’t resist a good alliteration, which makes me even more excited to be one of the “Garden Gurus” contributing to the Proven Beauty blog. My first post there is about how to get your garden ready for your vacation. I’d love it if you checked it out and maybe even left a comment. Thank you in advance!

Most people in today have never stood under a majestic elm tree, but a huge effort to bring elms back has been underway for years. This story about the process of reintroducing Dutch elm disease-resistant cultivars and getting elms back is fascinating.

The size of the landscape projects Deborah Silver works on is astounding to me.

Warning: This next bit has a couple of Amazon affiliate links in it. Thanks for supporting The Impatient Gardener!

I have found a product that seems to keep the rabbits from nibbling! It’s a spray by Plantskyyd. But oh my lordy, it smells so foul. The smell goes away as soon as it dries, but it will clear your patio if you spray it. It’s also made of blood and it looks like it, so the garden takes on a bit of a murder scene look. The staining (unless you get it on your clothes) also goes away. BUT I just found out they make a granular product that I’m going to try. Seems like it would be a lot nicer to use. I’ll report back.

By the way, I still swear by Messina’s Deer Stopper II for the deer situation. And it smells like cinnamon and cloves, so you’re basically spraying Christmas on your garden.

This is such a lovely podcast episode by Margaret Roach and well worth a listen, but I warn you, it will make you hungry!

We are actually going to be social this weekend! We have a very large party (it’s sort of a work thing but also all of our sailing friends will be there) tonight and then we’re having people over tomorrow (I have a bit of last minute weeding to do for that). That’s quite a lot of socializing for us so some time in the garden on Sunday will be lovely.

Do you have gardening plans this weekend and if you’re growing food, what are you harvesting now?

Have a great weekend!

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