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Fleeting color


I was downloading some photos from the weekend Tuesday night and realized there were a few I’d taken just a couple weeks ago that I’ve not posted. One of the amazing things about living up north, where the seasons mean business, is how quickly things change. Although we’ve not had any snow yet (which is pretty surprising), it’s been plenty cold and the color is gone from the yard. Even the grass is taking a decided turn for brown.

But I had to share a couple of these from just a couple weeks ago.
I don’t think you could ask for anything more from a tree beyond what Acer japonicum ‘Acontifolium’ gave me this fall.


And Hakonechloa ‘All Gold’  has grown into a beautiful, bushy little mound that turned even brighter yellow this fall and got great seed heads on it. This is one plant I love to leave standing all year because it adds great interest even in winter.


Sigh, I miss it already.

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