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First plant delivery of spring!


I received my first shipment from the Yahoo plant buying co-op I’m a member of on Monday. I love it when a box full of plants comes. Because many of the co-ops are sold long before their shipping dates, I often forget what I ordered. It’s like Christmas when I open up those little baby plants.

I didn’t have the pop-up “greenhouse” set up yet so I didn’t even bother to pot everything up (I grow out all of my co-op plants in four-inch or larger pots for several weeks before putting them in the garden so I can baby them a little). I just gave them all a good drink, put them in a tray and put them where all plants go … the kitchen counter.

It’s a good thing, too. There were widespread frost warnings for Tuesday night so I would have ended up bringing them in anyway.

Anyway, this order include a little bit of everything: four clematis, some sedums, a few echinacea, hosta ‘June,’ which is one I’ve been wanting for awhile, a couple heucheras and a dicentra or two.

I don’t even know where most of these will go in the garden, but I always find room for them somewhere.

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