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The rabbit struggles continue here. I have borrowed a few traps but the little buggers aren’t big enough to set them off. They are absolutely decimating any annuals I’ve planted in the ground and it is getting so frustrating! Deer repellent seems to have no effect on them. If you have some proven ways to manage them, I’m all ears.

I had to take a break from gardening last weekend to give Odin a bath. This is a full half-day activity but the pay off is a clean, fluffy, good smelling dog. It’s not often that I get a clean dog and a decent looking garden at the same time! By the way, those white alliums that you see in the foreground (‘Mount Everest’) are real winners. Going to have to add more of those.

I also got very late in planting in the vegetable garden, just planting many seeds in the last week. But I figure better late than never. I’ll just have these crops later in the season.
Matt is clearly more on the ball than I am this year and his sweet pea pictures are to die for. My sweet peas are currently 8 inches tall.
I might do that cake thing, but this? Gimme a break. 
I look forward to each and every post from Deborah Silver this time of year, when her amazing container creations spill forth. Don’t miss her latest post
Lastly, in case you missed my latest video, here it is. I was supposed to be in it, but as you’ll see at the end, I had a bit of a miscalculation in trying to shoot it myself. Whoops.
Will you be spending time in the garden this weekend or are you into “relax” mode? Either way, I hope you have a great weekend and avoid some of the crazy weather that is popping up all over the country.

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