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How to make beautiful, delicious (and chemical free) colored sugars with edible flowers.

Autumn container
Deborah Silver photo

Deborah Silver (who I like to call the Queen of Containers) never fails to disappoint. Look what she did for autumn.

Rusted steel in the garden is such a great look.

I like fashion but I am not a fashionable person and to be honest, my style motto is generally “Try not to look like a slop and be dressed at least somewhat appropriately for the occasion.” Accessorizing befuddles me. Yet this time of year is when I start thinking about updating my wardrobe a little bit (or at least replacing jeans that have unwashable dirty knees). I like to consult a few fashion bloggers before I spend any money. I’m a fan of You Look Fab because you can find advice for an age, shape or style and it’s not overly trendy stuff.

Since I won’t be getting my arm workout via weeding, paddleboarding or sailing during summer, maybe I’ll give this series of exercises a try.

Newfoundland puppy

This little guy (whose name is Odin; I don’t think we had decided on a name when I first mentioned him on the blog) is now 4.5 months old, 50 pounds, mostly fur, very sweet and starting to be plenty naughty. His sister Rita is still not thrilled with the new member of the family, which may have something to do with his habit of attaching himself to her ear and pulling. There have been a lot more walks for the whole family, which is a good thing (the whole household was getting pretty lazy before Mr. Energy came along) and Rita is discovering the liberal treating policy in the house to be working to her advantage as well.

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