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Tomato race: I'm behind


Before we get to this post, I just wanted to mention that I did a little tree planting 101 tutorial on The Design Confidential yesterday. Basically you shouldn’t do anything you’ve ever seen a city tree planter do, but check it out if you’re looking for some info on planting the framework of your yard.
Late last week, I swung by the community gardens at the YMCA to check on the progress of our tomato experiment going on there. And the news, I’m afraid, is not good.
My mom’s Legend tomato (in its protective plastic partial enclosure) is not only bigger than mine, it has TOMATOES! What the heck? Although her Delicious tomato has no tomatoes on it, it too is bigger than my Delicious.
Tomatoes on my mom’s Legend tomato, above, and filling up its enclosure, below.
My Legend tomato. No tomatoes here and it is slightly smaller.

A few interesting shots from other gardens:
The trellis structure in the middle is just branches tied together but I really like it. Looks arty. And the marigolds brighten it up.
This gardener put PVC pipe sections next to all his or her tomatoes to help get water and fertilizer to the root zone.
These are maybe the tallest tomato cages I’ve ever seen, but the holes in the wire are so small I don’t know how this gardener will get the tomatoes out.

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