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Thanks for the shout-out


L indsey over at the Better After blog featured my freecycle buffet-turned-bookcase today.

I’m flattered, since the Better After blog is one of my go-to places for inspiration. Some of the things people come up with is amazing. There are so many creative people in this world.

In case you’re a fan of before and afters, I thought I’d give you a quick teaser of a big one I have coming up: The eating are of the kitchen. The banquette is painted, the table is in place (although it needs to be cut to fit and painted … I think I’ll need a stiff drink before I do that to a brand new table), the cushions are being made and my mom is going to start working on the throw pillow soon (thank goodness for sewing moms). But would you believe I forgot to take a proper “Before” picture? I could kick myself!

I’m also working on a gardening post that will make all you gardeners get even more excited for spring, so stay tuned!

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