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I have more garden cleanup (both my own and at a master gardener project) on the schedule for this weekend, a date with some nasty garlic mustard weed that, I kid you not, grew 5 inches in one night when we got a lot of rain and one more sowing of tomatoes to try to salvage my seed plans scheduled for this weekend. But that’s still a day away, so in the meantime, here’s some of what I’m digging this Friday.

I have thing about knobs and pulls, so I’m pinning this list of 48 budget-friendly options.

Over at Growing with Plants, Matt is giving awhile a neat, fully compostable compost bucket.

Eric from GardenFork invited me on his radio podcast to talk about Garden Myths. I may or may not have expressed some too-real feelings about what I am convinced is an Espom salts lobby taking over Pinterest. Give it a listen.

It seems like every year at about this time I go on a hunt for a new planter and I drive myself batty. I still haven’t found just what I’m looking for but I will say that I feel like there are better options out there than I’ve found in the past. I pinned a bunch to my Containers Pinterest board. If any
A few fortunate garden writers got to go to California spring trials last week, which is sort of Fashion Week for plants. Here’s a report from Stephanie at Garden Therapy.

Don’t forget that it’s Earth Day, so hug a tree today!

What’s on your agenda for the weekend?

6 Responses

  1. 2nd order of plants arrived on Friday so I spent most of Saturday putting them in. I made a point of planting them where I planned to put them when I ordered them. Now I would like some rain! Can't remember if you saw it, but I am posting each Friday a report on the plants from each mail order nursery as they arrive.

  2. I'll be working to eradicate the so-called "obedient plant" that is taking over sections of two of my borders… Grrr. Also moving plants around and re-doing several borders. Buying more plants (the fun part!). No shortage of things to do at this time of year for a gardener — best of luck with your tasks! -Beth

  3. On my agenda? Pulling out lilac seedlings! Not exciting, but its one of those tasks that must be done.
    And number 2 on my list is to find the new oriole feeder that I bought, put away and now can't find!

  4. I finished my prep for our mulch tomorrow – or so I thought. We have a tree in our front bed that I swear tripled in size in a week. It is a monster and too big for the bed now. I think we are going to have to dig it up. I planted pink and fuchsia sunpatiens in the back – and red and white petunias in the front, going with a patriotic theme this year. 😉

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