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Gosh, this week just whooshed by and so many things I had planned for the blog just didn’t happen. Next week should be better.

Just a few quick Friday Finds to kick off the weekend.

If you’re reading this on Friday, you still have a few hours left to enter to win one of two beautiful dahlia collections, including the one above. Go here to enter.

There are some plants that I detest, but lately I’ve been re-evaluating those opinions and trying to figure out what my problem with them is. Yarrow is one of those plants. But now I can’t even remember why. It might just be on my plant list this year.

Did you grow any amaryllis this year?

Just how early is spring?

There’s no doubt about it … the weather is wacky. Yesterday my yard looked like this:

On Sunday it’s supposed to hit 50 degrees and 60 degrees on Monday. The poor plants must be confused.

Have a great weekend everyone! Let me know what you’re up to this weekend and come back next week for all the stuff I was supposed to get to this week!

8 Responses

  1. I planted four amaryllis this year. Two I bought for 5 bucks or so at the hardware store and two I bought at Longfield Gardens for about $15 each(Christmas Gift, a deep red, and Benfica, a white). The hardware store bulbs sprouted faster and bloomed nicely. The Longfield Garden ones have been slow…it took 2 months from planting to bloom for the Christmas Gift but it.was.spectacular. Two blooming stalks full of huge gorgeous red bloom. It lasted at least 2 weeks. Now a third bloom stalk has emerged. The Benfica hasn't bloomed yet but will any day now. It has taken 3 months from planting. I'm looking forward to it.

    1. I got those names mixed up, the Benfica is the red and the white is the Christmas Gift. I do adore amaryllis and have grown them many years. I think it's worth spending the extra for the huge bulbs but they are all lovely and I can never resist picking up a few from the bargain bins in December.

  2. Erin, You should definitely try "Moonshine" yarrow! It is on my top 10 list and I wouldn't be without it! It has silver foliage, and lemon yellow blooms that are around for months! If you want a more golden yellow, "Cornonation Gold" is nice. It is taller than "moonshine". They both need full sun. They grow well in my sandy soil in NE, but they don't spread. The clump enlarges, but not very quickly. Stay away from the "millefolium" varieties as they are very invasive here, unless you want those color choices and are willing to deal with the suckering around. I love the pungent smell of the leaves, though I guess that is a matter of preference. And their ferny foliage is nice even when not in bloom, especially the silver "Moonshine". Bluestone has a variety "Schwellenberg" that is a cross between C.G. and Moonshine that I haven't tried. Hope this helps to persuade you to give it a try!

  3. I've never loved yarrow either….like it when it just starts to bloom, then it turns ugly. After reading that Gardenista article I feel like I should try again.

  4. Yarrow is such a floppy plant in my garden. Not enough sun to keep it upright which is why I don't like it. I have a yarrow that has yellow leaves which I keep becuase I can cut it back and cut it back until it doesn't flop too much. The yellow blooms don't usually get to emerge since I am always whacking on it. That vase of dahlias is a treat for my colorless winter sore eyes. Have a nice weekend. Nothing much is going on here this weekend, in the garden that is because it got cold here too. At least cold enough I am not wanting to get outside. The cold has put a stop on the blooming of the daffodils. They have been bowing down to the weather gods.

  5. Yarrow spreads like crazy. I vowed to never grow it again either but now have found one hybrid – moonshine – that they says doesn't spread so I, like you, am going to try it. I hope I don't regret it later.

  6. We have had unseasonably warm weather in VA (area 7), and my perennials are virtually all merrily (and dangerously) sticking their heads up. My new (as of last spring) serviceberry tree, which I nursed through the summer's heat, is all budded up, and I fear for its mindset and health. We have had 70 and 80-degree weather off and on for a couple of weeks, and now it's going to be in the 20s for the next three nights. YIKES.

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