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Come on, spring, hurry up!


I’m not sure why (well, I’m sure it has something to do with the big lake about 500 feet from my house), but spring seems to take forever to arrive at my house. Right now the only real signs are a few daffodils and the arrival of the Virginia Blue Bells (in the foreground). All around town, things are blooming, but not at my house. Granted, we get a little extra time at the end of the season because that big pond to the east does a good job insulating us against frosts even when just up the road they get nipped, but that’s a small consolation at this time of the year.

The good news about spring taking it’s own sweet time to arrive is that looking at this photo, I realize I stil haven’t cleaned out this bed yet!

So folks, what’s happening in your gardens? Am I the only one wishing Mother Nature would speed things up a bit?

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