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Merry Christmas + the card


It appears I took a mini blogging break accidentally recently. It wasn’t my intention, but between an epic deadline at work and the general craziness of the holidays, well, I’ve been a busy bee. As I write this, it is three days to Christmas and my goal for the night is to decorate the mantel. Sad. Frankly, if we weren’t doing some entertaining, I’d skip it all together.

I know you are all busy with the holidays too, but we have a Christmas tradition on this blog where I share our holiday card and ’tis the season for traditions, so there’s no stopping now.

The first personalized Christmas card we sent out was a cute picture of our first Newfoundland dog Hudson, who I threw a Santa hat on, got him to do his signature head tilt and snapped a lucky shot. Since then, all of our cards have featured our dogs. Yes, we are the people who send out pictures of our dogs.

This year’s card features young Dorothy’s Christmas card debut. She did a pretty good job, particularly given that we’ve just recently started training her on stays. I needed a bit of set dressing and I had just the thing in mind: my neighbor’s red Hunter boots. When I asked if I could borrow them she said she’d just have to take the decorations out of them (she recognized their use in decor as well as their intended purpose as well), and I quickly said I’d take them with decorations intact. Mr. Much More Patient continues to be perplexed by this entire situation. How did I even know she had red Hunter boots, he asked? Well, they were accidentally delivered to our house last year. Don’t you have your boots, he continued? Yes, but mine aren’t cute and colorful dear. But are they decoration boots or real boots? Both, dear. He stopped asking questions after that.

But let’s get on to the card. I got this shot shortly before the whole scene went to hell in a handbasket and those scarves ended up in the middle the yard.

Newfoundlands on Christmas card

You can check out some previous year’s cards here.

So that brings us to Christmas. If you’re celebrating, I wish you a wonderful holiday. If you’re not celebrating, enjoy the day off! Either way, I hope you have great times with family and friends. I will be back next week to wrap up the year and then we can start talking gardening! Heck, it’s almost time to start seeds.

Happy holidays,


6 Responses

  1. I love reading your blog. Have a very Merry Christmas and a good new year. Love love love your Christmas card.

  2. Absolutely adorable and you even had snow! It looks like Dorothy is whispering Chrismas secrets to Odin. Either that or she is saying when can we go? Merriest of Christmas to you and yours.

  3. I believe this is the first time I have commente, but I so enjoy reading your blog. Love your Christmas card!! Merry Chriatmas.

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