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It is done

The tragedy continues …. So rather than delay this unpleasant task, I decided to just go for it tonight. The sooner we get rid of the bad stuff, the sooner the healing can begin, right? So I gathered up my tools and I started pruning. Pruning really isn’t the right work for it because that […]

Oh for a watering wand that doesn’t leak!

Welcome to my biggest of all gardening pet peeves: Leaky hose nozzles. I’m so irritated with having water dripping down my air every time I try to water. Every year I buy one or more new nozzles in hope of finding the holy grail of watering wands. I’m not asking for a lot. I just […]

A garden tragedy

I’ve been keeping an eye on this all spring, and hoping things would be fine, but it’s not looking good. Last spring I bought a gorgeous Kamagata Japanese maple from Lucile at Whitman Farms. I adore this tree and it was gorgeous last year. In winter I treated it just like my other Japanese maple: […]

What we won’t do for plants

I caught my mother rubbing her eggplant this weekend. Relax, it’s OK, really. She was just giving it a little leaf massage. Seems she read “somewhere” that massaging the leaves will make it produce better. I can’t tell you where “somewhere” is because neither of us knows. We read so many magazines, blogs and Web […]

The woods comes alive

It always amazes me how quickly the wooded area of our property is taken over by Ostrich ferns. May 8 May 14 May 31 (pay no attention to the path of inflourescence-looking stuff. I spread some DE the day before. Oh and yeah … all that stuff in the foreground is garlic mustard weed that […]

157 … and counting

The scene of the crime. And this isn’t even all of them! Do they offer plantaholic 12-step programs? I’m seriously thinking I may need to find one. Noticing that my “holding area” (formerly the pit of despair, but somewhat spruced up) is getting a little tight, I took a count of the plants I need […]