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Two sure signs of spring


A happy Friday to you all!

There is indeed reason to be joyous this Friday. The painters were to come this morning to finish up a few last touch ups on the cabinets which means that I will spend a good part of the weekend organizing what I can while we wait for drawer fronts and cabinet doors. I can’t tell you how nice it will be to reduce the number of boxes spread throughout the house. When we bought the house I was in a hurry to get unpacked because Mr. Much More Patient left for about four months the day after we moved in and I just wanted things put away, so I sort of threw things in drawers and they stayed there for 11 years. Now I have the luxury of thinking things through a bit more.

The even better news is that yesterday I came across two sure signs of spring.

Those are daffodils, folks. But not just daffodils poking up. Those are BUDS! Sure it’s only one small clump that is always the earliest to show its face, but who cares. There is life out there.

The other sign of spring was this.

The first spray painting project of the year! I’m not sure what is up with me and painting things black on the spur-of-the-moment but it has happened again. I’ve been thinking that I needed to pull a little black over to the other side of the kitchen to balance out the botanical prints and the door. The light was down for painting and the outside temperature was 52 degrees, a whopping two degrees above the minimum temperature for spray painting.

Of course I’ll show you more on that later, but for now, let’s all revel in two signs of spring as reliable as a robin searching for a worm.

5 Responses

  1. Up here in the northern climate, any sign of spring is so appreciated! 🙂 I live next door in the Mitten, and man, it is so very nice to see some of the first flowers starting to bloom 🙂

  2. Spring is definitely here in these parts too! Crocuses blooming, scilla about to open (can't wait for that!!!!) and I spent yesterday afternoon outside raking some leaves off the neglected shade garden on the far side of the garage. One bed done – 10 more to go!

    Have fun this weekend reorganizing!

  3. Too funny about spring and spray painting. My neighbors joke that I am the two signs of spring … 1: they see a Robin (my name) in the yard, and 2: I'm spray painting. Could we somehow be related! Enjoying watching your kitchen come together.

  4. yay on all fronts! cabinets, buds and warm air for painting! its so encouraging. I found our first-to-bud clump of daffs last weekend and it motivated me to do a thorough yard cleanup and that has been unbelievably energizing. our temps aren't nearly as inviting as yours but there is a whisper of it in the air. all this says to me I had better get some inside projects crossed off the list before interior spaces are long forgotten entirely for the foreseeable future.

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