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Welcome to The Impatient Gardener blog, where Christmas happens in slow motion. I’ve been slow to get things finished this year, pared down the decorations and haven’t quite finished wrapping yet.

That means that I’m just now getting around to showing you some of how Christmas is happening in my house. Today I’m showing you the tree, mostly because the lights in the lanterns on the mantel needed new batteries and I didn’t want to show it to you without them lit.

Last year we put the tree in a container (now home to the boxwood by the garage) because our old dog Hudson would have a tough time navigating around it. This year we did the same thing except with a basket because our puppy would surely wreak havoc on a tree.

Frankly, I quite like the look. The tree still appears tall but it doesn’t take up as much space in the room. We ended up with a Canaan fir this year, mostly because the tree lot was sold out of Frasier firs. As proof that I have mellowed dramatically over the last decade, we actually picked it out in five minutes via Facetime, with Mr. Much More Patient at the tree lot and me at work. It’s a beautiful tree but the branches have gotten very droopy.

When it comes to Christmas trees, I’m a traditionalist, so I will never have a trendy tree. I like mine with red and white lights (interestingly I use the same amount of lights regardless of the size of the tree), some regular ball ornaments, fancy ornaments that have been given to me over the years, and topped off with dozens of glass icicles.

In case you were wondering, it is possible to have a beautiful tree with a puppy (even one who is currently weighing in at 75 pounds) around. Here’s how I do it:

  1. I happened to find a tree stand that fits perfectly in the basket, so it’s a tight fit, but in the past I’ve also used rocks to help stabilize it. 
  2. We always tie the Christmas tree up with fishing line. You can’t see it unless you’re really looking and the peace of mind is so worth a little extra time.
  3. I don’t put anything fragile on the bottom of the tree, even when it’s raised up in a container.
  4. I used ornaments with bells on them at the bottom of the tree so I can hear if Christmas tree hijinks ensue.
  5. Any ornaments that are toward the bottom of the tree get attached tightly, rather than just hung on a branch.
You’ll notice the top of the tree is rather naked. Turns out I forgot that the star (which I didn’t care for much) broke last year, so I ran out and got something new but I haven’t gotten around to putting it up there. Maybe tonight.
So that’s the tree. That just leaves the rest of the decorating, the Christmas card, the wrapping and maybe the cookies to show you tomorrow. Like I said, home of the slowest Christmas reveal ever.
If you can’t stop in tomorrow because you are busy celebrating, I wish you a very merry Christmas (or happy Hanukkah, a bit late, or Festivus or whatever you choose to celebrate).

4 Responses

  1. Better late than never…..I remember the days when we didn't decorate till around the 20th. Of December! Now everyone is rushing to get Christmas out as soon as Thanksgiving is over.

    Love your tips about the tree vs puppy. Surprisingly our pup didn't touch it last year and seems to be ignoring ours again this year. Mind you, he's only a small terrier so that could be the difference.

    Merry Christmas, Erin. I hope your day is filled with love and laughter.

  2. It's gorgeous and looks like something out of Traditional Home. I gotta ask- how do you water it? I wanted to do something like this but couldn't figure out the water sitch. And look at that fluffy pup! I love him.

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