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Got 2 minutes? How about a garden tour?


I am horrible when it comes to logging what goes on in my garden. Honestly I started this blog partly to force me to take at least a few notes about the garden, but beyond what you read here (and you know that that’s not exactly a log) I don’t do much in the way of keeping track of the garden. But when I’m trying to figure out if a plant is late or early or what it did in the past, I often look through my old pictures, which of course are date stamped these days. I figure that method is better than nothing.

Last week while I was making dinner I decided on a whim to quickly grab a few photos of the garden. Something was on the stove cooking so I knew it had to be quick. And out of the blue, I created a two-minute garden tour.

I snapped as many pictures as a could with my iPhone and then uploaded them to Instagram and Facebook. But several people told me they loved the pictures so I thought I’d share them here too. I’m thinking this might be a very easy and quick way to log what’s happening in the garden. I’ve never been good about keeping notes, but date-stamped photos could let me know what was blooming when.

Here’s what I came up with.

The Impatient Gardener 2-minute garden tour --Echinacea

The Impatient Gardener 2-minute garden tour

The Impatient Gardener 2-minute garden tour

The Impatient Gardener 2-minute garden tour
The Impatient Gardener 2-minute garden tour

The Impatient Gardener 2-minute garden tour

The Impatient Gardener 2-minute garden tour

The Impatient Gardener 2-minute garden tour

The Impatient Gardener 2-minute garden tour

The Impatient Gardener 2-minute garden tour

The Impatient Gardener 2-minute garden tour

How do you keep track of what’s happening your garden? Do you swear you’re going to remember something only to forget it a couple months later or do you keep a detailed log?

What would you like to know?

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