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The Garden Appreciation Society Week 5

Sorry for the delay on getting The Garden Appreciation Society Week 5 up. You know work, and then I, well, forgot and then yada, yada, yada. (I don’t think anyone else is still yada, yada, yadaing but it’s really such a useful device, don’t you think?) It continues to be a challenging time to find […]

What's happening now

This headline should really read “What WAS happening a few days ago.” Blogger was down for much of the end of the week so I couldn’t post this, but I hope you enjoy it now. Sorry for the delay. Sometimes I feel like everything I write on this blog is old news because my zone […]

Spring has really come

I know a lot of you are already well into summer but here in Wisconsin, we’re lucky if summer comes with the solstice. Fortunately there are signs that spring is indeed here.Clockwise from top left: Adorable anenomes, an emerging allium, dicentra Gold Heart in all its glory, purple smokebush starting to leaf out, a wonderfully […]

Lovin’ this plant

This is dicentra Gold Heart, and she has become a star in our garden. I picked it up at the hardware store two or three years ago and even though she’s not in a great spot for a bleeding heart (west exposure) she just keeps getting bigger and bigger (and is currently taking over a […]