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Saturday Finds


Poor Friday Finds … it keeps missing its own deadline. But as with most things, Friday Finds are better late than never.

amaryllis flower

Before I get into it, you should know that as I sat at the kitchen table writing this, one of the flowers (next to the one pictured above) on the amaryllis literally just popped open in front of my eyes. I love it when I catch plants doing plant stuff when they think no one is looking.

I had a wonderful time chatting with Mike from the Vegetable Gardening Show and you can catch our conversation on YouTube now. I do love talking about gardening and I tend to go on a bit when I get the chance. Shortly after the episode was up, a viewer reached out to me in email and we had a great chat about tomatoes. So I got to talk gardening twice! I’d love it if you’d check out the show and maybe leave Mike a comment about it. And subscribe to his channel for all his interviews with gardeners.

spider mum

The spider mums I bought for Christmas bouquets are still going strong on the kitchen island. Talk about getting your money’s worth from grocery store flowers.

Like a lot of people, I get serious about organizing at this time of year. I love organized spaces. I don’t particularly like the actual organizing, but I like buying stuff with which to organize. After I clean out a space, I can’t stop looking at it. One of the most popular posts in the history of this blog is the one I wrote about organizing my junk drawer

This week I started following Neat Method, described as “Luxury home organizers,” on Instagram, and their feed is full of inspirational images that make you want to call Goodwill and tell them you’re on the way with the contents of half your house. But I have questions.

For instance, in this oh-so-satisfying picture of a perfectly organized pantry, what happens when you run out of the stuff in the nice containers? I feel like I would end up buying food just for “styling” rather than eating.

neat method pantry

And in this picture of all the nice canisters of rice and grains, how do you know how to cook it if you don’t have the directions on the back of the package? Or am I the only one who has to read the directions every time?

neat method rice

I asked the followers of The Impatient Gardener Facebook page this morning when the best time for a Facebook Live on seed starting would be and just about everybody said a weeknight is best. I’ll work on organizing that for this week. If you have specific questions you’d like me to address, drop me an email. When I get it scheduled, I’ll let you all know. 

I’m assigning a little bit of homework for this weekend. I can hear it now: “What? Homework? On a weekend?” But you can multitask this. Go listen to the Joe Gardener podcast. The latest episode with Linda Chalker-Scott is on garden myths and if you don’t believe what I’ve said about epsom salts, the importance of soil tests, why you shouldn’t amend your planting holes or how mulch doesn’t rob your soil of nitrogen, then maybe you’ll believe Linda. Even if you’re on board with all of that, it’s worth a listen if only to be prepared the next time someone tells you that their grandma’s tomatoes were the best because she always used epsom salt, and stuck eggshells and coffee grounds in the planting hole with her roses. 

OK, homework assigned, I’ll let you get back to your weekend. I’ve got dogs to give baths to and seeds to organize. What are you up to this weekend?


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