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Christmas in May

Few days are so bad that coming home to find this sitting on your porch doesn’t make you forget all your troubles: And the only thing more fun than tearing into that box, is tearing into that box when you have no idea what’s inside. I’m participating in the Proven Winners garden writers plant trials, […]

Kitchen reveal delayed

So, I know I promised to reveal our partial kitchen makeover soon, but a bit of wrench has been thrown in that plan. Remember how the sneak peek looked a couple weeks ago? Allow me to refresh your memory. Here it is: I wanted to get a nice set of pictures to show you the […]

Studying up on herbs

I’ve spent most of my free time this week studying. I’ve been spending a lot of time with this book: In my experience the guides published by DK are the best around, particularly their travel guides which cost much more than their competitors but are so much better, particularly for places where you don’t speak […]

Guest post: You can build it, really!

I’m so excited to be swapping guest posts with Rayan at The Frugal Designer today. Rayan is a mega overachiever who can help you build the most amazing furniture, finish that furniture (wait until you see my kitchen table, which Rayan has been holding my hand through the process of finishing), help solve your garden […]

Oh, the horror

I have met the enemy, and it is Alliaria petiolata. “Alliaria petiolata.” That was all my friend’s Facebook status said the other day. I instantly knew her pain. Alliaria petiolata, better known as garlic mustard weed, is the kind of thing that can ruin your day and maybe even your summer. And many summers to […]

A sneak peek

I am OH so close to revealing my mini kitchen redo, although after six months of talking about this I’m not sure it can be called “mini” anymore. I’m very excited about it so until I put the finishing touches on it (and it stops being so lousy outside that I can get some decent […]

The lone flowering tree

We only have one flowering tree in the yard. It’s a Serviceberry, which is a lovely, tough-as-nails small tree or large shrub. It’s commonly seen around here in its multi-trunked form in parking lots, hellstrips and other places where it can be planted and left. In our yard it’s the corner piece to what I […]