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New House New Home photo

Heather is looking back at springs past.

I will absolutely be making these cocktails this spring.

Would you ever paint your house black? Look how cute this one is.

I do love dahlias and I’m not the only one. I will be potting up dozens of them this weekend to give them a head start on the season.

Phenology via duck.

I think glass cloches are stunning pieces of art, not to mention incredibly useful, but I can’t say I’ve ever seen one for sale other than from specialty retailers.

That’s a wrap for this week! The weather is set to be sunny and in the low 50s here so I’m looking foward to some quality time in the garden unless it’s too wet from all the rain we’ve had this week. Other than that, I’m a week late on starting my basil seeds so that’s on the docket for tonight, as well as potting on calendula seedlings. What’s in your weekend plants?

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